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1. 코스 정보


1) 학교명: Everthought College Of Construction(ECOC)


2) 코스명:

(1) Certificate 4 Building and Construction (Site Management)

(2) Diploma Building and Construction (Manager)


3) 과정: Certificate 4 (52주) / Diploma (104주)


4) 입학 가능일:

- 1월21일, 4월1일, 5월6일, 7월8일, 9월12일, 10월14일, 11월18일



5) 입학 조건(다음 중 택 1)

* Year 11/12(고등학교 졸업) 수준의 학력 보유

* 입학 영어성적 보유 (IETLS Overal 5.5, Each 5.0 이상)

* 영어설적 미 보유 시, 연계 어학원 연수 후 입학가능



2. 캠퍼스 위치 및 수업정보


1) 캠퍼스 위치: Building 3 / 92 Mallard Way, Cannington, Western Australia 6107, Australia.


2) 수업정보

(1) Certificate 4 Building and Construction (Site Management)

* : AM11:30 - PM03:00

*목,금: AM07:30 - PM03:00


(2) Diploma Building and Construction (Manager)

* 월,화: AM11:30 - PM03:00

* : AM11:30 - PM03:00




럭스트래블 호주착한유학 Since 2003
20,000개의 호주 뉴질랜드 자유여행 데이투어 허니문 동물보호여행사
구글 페북리뷰 5스타 솔직한 현지유학 이민상담 워킹홀리데이도우미
공식유학원넘버 QEAC No: N196 이민법무사등록번호 MARN : 1797799 카카오톡 플러스챗 @럭스트래블 Tel +61 70 3040 1004

빌딩 컨스트럭션과 Building Construction


    The Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Site Management) is designed to meet the needs of site managers and supervisors in the building and construction industry.



    The Diploma of Building and Construction (Management) is designed to develop and consolidate the student’s skills in the Building and Construction industry. It will suit those who are already working within the Building and Construction industry at any level and will enhance their skills and professional practice. The qualification has core competency requirements that cover common skills within managerial roles.

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