CERTIFICATE IV IN PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHOTO IMAGING카메라 기초와 촬영기술, 빛,조명에 대한 이해, 어도비포토샵과 라이트룸을 이용한 편집기술 또한 배울 수 있는 코스입니다.
사진에 대한 이론은 물론 창의적인 편집기술 또한 배울 수 있습니다. 본인 만의 커리어를 시작해보세요.
CERTIFICATE IV 과정을 통해 기초를 다진 학생들은 디플로마과정을 통해 Fine Art, Portraiture, Documentary, Landscape and Commercial 등 더욱 다양한 장르의 촬영기법을 배울 수 있습니다.
또한, 비지니스 운영에 대한 이해와 마케팅도 배우게 됩니다.
골드코스트 사진학과 포토그래퍼 코스
- Certificate IV in Photography and Photo Imaging
[ Lighting Techniques ]
CUAPHI402 Apply photo imaging lighting techniques
CUAPHI303 Process photo images to work-print and file stage BSBDES402 Interpret and respond to a design brief
[ Industry Knowledge ]
CUARES403 Research history and theory to inform own arts practice BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others CUAPHI401 Capture images in response to a brief
[ Connections ]
CUAPPR304 Participate in collaborative creative projects
CUAPPR405 Develop and discuss ideas for own creative work
[ Professional Practice ]
CUAIND402 Provide freelance services
CUAPHI301 Develop and apply photo imaging industry knowledge
BSBREL402 Build client relationships and business networks
[ Creative Works ]
CUAACD401 Integrate colour theory and design processes
BSBDES301 Explore the use of colour
CUAPHI403 Enhance, manipulate and output photo images
CUAPPR403 Store and maintain finished creative work
- Diploma of Photography and Photo Imaging
[ Visual Communication ]
CUAPHI501 Apply visual communication theory to photo imaging practice
[ Emerging Trends ]
CUAPHI502 Research and apply photo imaging trends
[ Lighting & Post Production ]
CUAPHI402 Apply photo imaging lighting techniques
CUAPHI303 Process photo images to work-print and file stage
[ Managing Colour ]
CUAPHI513 Employ colour management in a digital imaging workplace
Digital Art
CUADIG508 Refine digital art techniques
[ Professional Practices ]
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Social Media
BSBMKG527 Plan social media engagement
[ Emotive Lighting ]
CUAPHI503 Explore the descriptive and emotive nature of photo lighting
Commercial Photography
CUAPHI505 Produce commercial photo images
CUAPHI506 Provide photographic portrait services
[ Media & Publication ]
CUAPHI507 Produce media photo images
CUAPHI511 Make illustrative photo images for publication and display
BSBIPR401 Use and respect copyright
[ Specialisation ]
CUAPPR404 Develop self as artist
CUAPPR606 Extend expertise in a specialised art form to professional level
CUAPPR503 Present a body of creative work